Saturday, September 10, 2005

Biblical doubts. .....I'm beginning to be more comfortable using the blog format. If you happen to read one of my blogs you will understand that they are nothing special. Well, neither am I. So what did you expect? There are no brain surgeons in my family. May we now proceed. This first effort will focus on religion. I have a tendency to stray once and a while, so don't be too surprised.

.....Is the Holy Bible the ACTUAL word of God? It depends. I a recently read a small book about the Holy Grail. I had always thought of it as a jeweled golden cup of some sort, that was used during Christ's last supper. Now, 65 years later I find that my Sunday school recollection may be less than perfect. The little book describes the Holy Grail as one or more of the following:

.....A golden cup - a food vessel - a container of treasure - a receptacle that gathered the blood of Jesus on the cross - an ornate dish - or a common kitchen container. Take your pick.

.....One legend says It was made of precious metals and decorated with gems. Another says it was clay and not decorated at all. There is no certainty about either description. It is not even universally agreed that the Holy Grail ever existed. If it ever did, it's purpose also remains a mystery. Clues may be found in stories that have come to us from antiquity, but they may or may not be true.

.....The legend of the HOLY GRAIL illustrates a problem connected with the HOLY BIBLE. Many of the stories in the Holy Bible seem to have arrived their in much the same way. Could at least some of those be legendary?

.....After centuries of study, biblical scholars still disagree on the accuracy of the text, the language used, and the meaning of many passages. A number of events once thought to be factual are now considered allegorical. The Holy Grail for example, could be either history or fiction. Many other passages in the Bible could also be history or fiction.

.....This, in a round-a-bout way, brings us to "miracles". I don't really think any of the biblical "miracles" are fact. I am reasonably sure that the Holy Bible was assembled from information and stories passed down from generation to generation. Their inclusion in the Bible followed a torturous path indeed. Information and stories were exchanged verbally from one person to another, or they were written, in one language or in several. The gathering of passages that finally became the Holy Bible was a complicated procedure.

.....It is too much of an incredible stretch to consider every passage as the ACTUAL word of God.

.....Why would God choose to convey his thoughts by way of such a convoluted passage to mankind? Doesn't it seem odd to you that God would select this way to to transmit his ACTUAL WORDS?



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