Monday, December 19, 2005

Radical Islam Is A Menace .
Every day Americans go through their normal routine. You'd never know there is war going on. They barely glance at a newspaper or the television news. When they do, they look at the bloody pictures, check the movie schedule, and move on. The war news in Iraq is particularly ugly. People are dying there. Far too many Americans quickly turn the channel to a game show or a sporting event.
It is disturbing to realize that the WAR is so ignored. Many British and American citizens are obviously losing interest. Military progress, if any, gets virtually no media attention. The public is aware only of the bloody messes that make the news. Progress doesn't. The biased media aggravates and directs public opinion. People see pictures of the body bags and no longer understand what is happening in the middle east. The rhetoric has run out of gas. At this point they don't care much anyway.
The lack of concern is a disaster. Perhaps it is because this particular WAR is like no other. The strategic goal is to maintain peace in the region. Saddam Hussein definitely had to be stopped. The man is a crazy, power mad, medieval brute. This man was leading the bluster of the Muslim turmoil in that part of the world. It is difficult but we must maintain perspective here. Hussein was a small part of the middle eastern mess.
The much larger danger is fundamental, extreme Islam.
It's followers threaten non-believers (infidels) with death - and they are quite serious. Their recent history proves they mean what they say. Iraq was and is a danger to the area and beyond because:
  • They have been aggressively trying to acquire nuclear weapons,
  • they have already used chemical and biological agents on their enemies, and
  • they are actively promoting TERRORISM as a tactic of war.

Extreme Islam is terrifying because it makes no rational sense.

The world is struggling to understand the "islamo-fascist radicals", and there are MILLIONS of them. They wildly rant that they are going to MURDER EVERY NON-MUSLIM IN THE WORLD. Their promise is so OUTRAGEOUSLY INSANE normal people find it hard to accept.

Most Muslim terrorists follow the demented rantings of brain-dead Islamic clerics. They have been indoctrinated (from the cradle to grave) with a badly warped concept of humanity. The direct source of this idiocy is undenyably the Islamic religion. Civilized people need to wake up immediately. They, all infidels, have to be made to understand that Islam is a fundamentaly flawed religion that distorts the concept of right and wrong. Students of Islam develop no understanding of elementary human concepts.

Their assault on society began hundreds of years ago, when by military force they established a rather advanced society. Muslims had good schools, libraries, and educational opportunities. Their art and architecture was complex and interesting, and their civilization became comparitively wealthy.

It was a mirage. The only progress any Islamic people made was made by the people Muslims conquered by military force.

Then Islam actually strangled further progress wherever it was imposed. The Muslim society failed to keep pace with the rest of the world and today their social order is generally illiterate, tribal in nature, and medieval in it's brutality. Muslims have made virtually no contribution to mankind since medieval times.

They began 'shooting themselves in the foot' centuries ago. Any Muslim who attempted to change the religious concepts holding their civilization back was subject to terrible punishments. They proved, over and over, that governments function badly under the control of Islamic law. This has been a total disaster for them and they still prefer the system. Linking Islamic Law with Islamic governments is a basic impediment. For Islamic society to join the modern world they must separate Islam from politics and control. The religion of Islam strictly forbids any such separation. So much for that.

The entire Islamic world has essentially collapsed. There is no competitively modern and powerful Islamic government anywhere in the world, and the frustration of failure is monumental. With so few options available to them, radical Islam zealots have turned to TERRORISM which is disgusting but very intimidating method of warfare. It causes comparatively little physical damage but has a huge impact. We must agree that TERRORISM by a minority of fools can not be allowed to bully the entire world.
The war in Iraq is over and rebuilding has begun. The media has chosen this time in history to be of no help whatever. The liberal elites that seem to control our media have opposed the Iraq war from the beginning. They continue to denigrate our military forces, ridicule our President, and demand that we withdraw. It appears that condemning the military and bashing Bush is more fun than eating or sleeping for these wackos.
They are attempting to silence bi-partisan support for our war leaders. They are attempting to encourage America's lack of interest in defense and security. By their actions they prove their inability to comprehend the enemy threat. Our way of life and our values are in danger. The Islamic enemy wants to destroy everything we stand for.


Our notice that we are not invulnerable. The primitive, irrational, and unbalanced followers of fundamentalist Islam may be the most dangerous threat Americans have ever faced. Muslims refer to their religion as "PEACEFUL", but it's Holy Book, the Koran contains passages of unacceptable, diabolical nonsense. Many of it's chapters teach totally disgusting ideas. The true and simple fact is that Islam has never been a religion of peace.
The Koran clearly teaches that anyone who refuses Islam is worthy only of death. How do you misunderstand this statement? Murdering non-believers is exactly what they mean to do. Their despicable, extremist clergy is consumed with medieval violence. They prove that the Islamic religion is faulty to it's core. The idiots are in charge - and the moderate majority is letting get away with it. There is no excuse for the moderate majority to hide behind. Their appeasement results in TERROR being just around the corner. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
P.S: Have you ever wondered why Muhammad permitted so many vicious thoughts in the Koran? The resulting book is about as holy as Hitler's "Mein Kamph".
  • It also is filled with the most virulent anti-Semitism.
  • It contains instructions on the most disgusting and painful ways to inflict torture.
  • It promotes brutality as a means of control.
  • It refuses to recognize and to tolerate all other religions

The Koran is a bloody, beastly book of horror.

Prove that I am wrong. Please.