Friday, December 01, 2006

Pope Benedict vs. Islam

.....Pope John Paul was one of my favorite public personalities. Not being Catholic, it's odd that he became one of my heroes, but early on in his office, Pope John Paul did something that caused me to take notice. He spoke and wrote in a straight forward manner. He didn't speak down to people, nor did he avoid difficult questions. Pope John Paul was obviously very intelligent and well educated. He had a wide knowledge of the world around him, and understood the complexity of the job he was called to.

.....I often didn't agree with him. My skepticism got in the way. But much of his belief was mystical and quite outside of my range of understanding. I've never, for example, been convinced that supernatural miracles actually happened. I know they are the theological foundation stones for Christian churches, yet I have doubts.

.....Pope John Paul seems to have been very firm in his beliefs and never doubted as I do.

.....Pope John Paul stood solidly for the elements of life that I do believe in; the sanctity of marriage, the wrongness of abortion, the inherent goodness of humankind, the principles of the Ten Commandments, and the importance of the Golden Rule for example.

....Then, the old fellow died a public and difficult death. His life was extraordinary and the impact of his work as Pope will be felt for years to come.

....The new Pope inherited the world and all of it's problems. Catholics and non-Catholics, look to him for guidance. He is, in so many ways, the unspoken leader of the Christian religion. There is no one more influential in religious matters than the man in the fisherman's shoes.

....Now, a radical version of Islam has brought forward another terrible problem for the world. Potentially the most serious and far reaching problem ever faced. They mean to kill us all.

....Pope Benedict has this and other mind crushing problems on his plate. The question is does he have the moxie to deal with them? His start as Pope has not been impressive. He does not seem to be as cordial and welcoming as John Paul was, nor does he seem to be able to confront the big problems with dynamic new ideas. The jury is still out.

....The new Pope (and all he represents) is being attacked by the rapidly growing religion of Islam and so far his reaction has been weak and unsteady. Pope Benedict has apparently elected to be an appeaser, an apologist, and a diplomatic negotiator. If he persists on this road he will fail.

.....The Holy Book of Islam, like the Holy Book of the Christian religion, describes instances of terrible human conduct that is no longer acceptable. There are tales of unprovoked violence and wars of political expansion for example. Modern society is trying to eliminate this historical behavior, not teach it.

.....Many Arab Muslims have rejected modern culture and chosen to believe the inhuman and evil passages in their Holy Book. These extreme Islamists are a menace to the entire infidel world.

.....Television and instant communications have given the desert Arabs a dysfunctional knowledge of the western world.

American movies and television also, unfortunately, are filled with violence, nudity, drunkenness, drug use, foul language and worse. The unworldly Arabs understand only this distorted view.

.....Their sources of information are polluted and it would be very strange if they did NOT have a poor image of western civilization.

Radical Muslims have risen from obscurity in recent years. They are increasing their populations while the civilized world has been decreasing. All of Islam is gaining prominence and the fanatics among them teach their children to hate the western world. These young people end up be badly educated and viciously brainwashed.

.....Into this maelstrom steps Pope Benedict who seems not to have noticed that Islam threatens Christianity with extinction. Is that possible? Does it take a two by four over the head? Pope Benedict is still trying to create a dialog with Islamic leaders. This effort, with no doubt whatever, will fail. The Pope must realize that the Islamic religion is closed to tolerance, closed to negotiation, closed to any compromise, and will resist and effort to repair it.

Wake up and try harder Mr. Pope !


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