Friday, March 17, 2006

Holy Baloney War

The radical and militant version of Islam we are seeing today is not representative of that religion but it increasingly dominates our world anyway. Atrocities done in the name of Islam are not new, just more of the same idiotic behavior humanity has endured for centuries. The radical minority within Islam spreads the same insanity and hatred it always has. The pin head believers in radical Islam have never embraced humanity. Never.

.....Their Holy Book must be terribly flawed. Apologists dismiss the flaws as irrelevant, but they are not. Naive scholars have concentrated on the beneficial aspects. A mistake of major proportions. The fanatic radicals concentrate on the evil content of the Qu'ran. Islamic history is complicated for non-Muslims because we are actually dealing with two versions of the same religion.

.....Muhammad, Islam's prophet and the author of the Qu'ran, was not a good man. He was charismatic, but that does not excuse his inhumanity nor his anti-Semitism.

....It is true that there are gentle and helpful philosophies within Islam. They seem to have come from from the same man but at very different periods of his life. It is his sadistic and murderous contributions in his later period that have so badly served the world.

.....Mohammad can not be excused from his role in creating the ignorant, intolerant and dysfunctional Muslim view of the world. He is responsible for the bitterness and hate in their hearts. They, the radical Muslims, rape, torture and murder innocent people in the name of Allah.

....The majority of Muslims do not follow the radical path, but neither do they speak out against it or make efforts to expel it from the main body of Islam. Because of their reluctance (or cowardice?) the religion of Islam gets a very mixed review indeed. On the one hand most Muslims are gentle, peaceful, and tolerant neighbors. On the other hand few Muslims are militantly and mortal enemies of all infidels - especially of Jews.

....(1) Why haven't Islamic scholars removed the evil passages from the Koran - or at least provided reasoned explanations for them? Leaving those passages in place makes the Qu'ran an instruction book for murderers.

....(2) Why is it millions of peaceful Muslims don't stand up to the extremists in their midst? Are they frightened? Perhaps, but I don't really think so. I think they know their religion is fatally flawed. I think they are having trouble coming to grips with that fact.

....There is proof on the front page of every newspaper, radio station, television and other parts of the media, that the religion of Islam is the religion that includes a militant intolerance. It's radical clerics have used it as a text book and absolutely destroyed several generations of Muslim students. These clerics should not be forgiven. They have ensured that there will be no educational, scientific, or social progress within the Muslim world anytime soon.

Islam has always been an intolerant belief system that aggressively threatens death to all non-believers. Until it is cleansed of it's inhumanity it will remain is a pathetically evil religion.