Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Who caused the spark ?

.....During idle days a person's mind tends to wander and sometimes follows an odd path without knowing why. Today is one of those days.

.....The word "Infinity" comes to mind for some reason. It's meaning is almost impossible to understand. It's something that can't be measured. It's something like a human spirit. It eludes a solid definition. Everything else has a beginning and an end, yet "Infinity" doesn't.

..... In some rather oblique way, the word is connected to thoughts about the universe.

.....Human beings look in a mirror to prove they exist, but they can't tell what "context" they exist within. We humans may be no more than a pin point sized random cluster of atoms in the grand scheme, or we may be the most important components of the entire universe. No one knows which, in part because we've not found a way to measure the value of life. The word "infinity" leads a person to think about it.

.....When contemplating the universe some of us recall the axiom we learned in school, "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". This has been proven by science - but - is it true of the entire universe? Again, who knows? Likewise, all of our knowledge tells us that physical matter began somewhere at some time. Did the first instant of time begin when physical matter was created? If so, where, when and what did the first spark of energy come from?

.....The eternal question.

.....It dates from the foundation of the world, yet in all of recorded time there has been no provable answer. At some point we began to guess - and that led to superstition.

.....Over a long time superstition have been scrambled with logical thought. Philosophies have been erected to support an endless stream of possibilities. These thoughts have, for the most part, come down to us from history as part of religions.

.....There are people on earth who still believe in superstition, magic, the evil eye, animism, idol worship, astrology and so forth. We tend to think of these people as inferior, or not civilized, or of a lesser status.

.....In our American neighborhoods there are usually Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Muslims and quite a few people with other assorted belief systems. A few argue now and then in a friendly way, but most realize that there are a lot of similarities in their many belief systems. The arguments are treated as agreeable differences between them. Essentially, they agree to disagree.

....Most monotheistic religions are related to each other yet EACH CLAIMS TO BE MORE CORRECT THAN THE OTHERS.

.....This claim has led to more bloodshed than any other history. The clergy, turned their evangelism into a salesmanship contest. There is no factual basis for the idea that one belief system is better than another. In fact, there is no basis for believing that any religion is better than "atheism". The claims of theological superiority are inventions of man and not of God.

.....Let's return to the "first spark". In my personal belief system, a Supreme Architect provided the initial energy, and the same singular intelligence caused everything to begin, and has the power to cause everything to end. I believe that God, by what ever name you choose, is the alpha and omega. Beginning and End.